Contact Us

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with your event enquiry. At Meeting Venues we aim to provide a prompt and efficient service that will exceed your expectations. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, we can save you time and money and most importantly this is a FREE service!


    Preferred Location

    Venue Name or Venue Type

    Start Date

    End Date

    Start Time

    End Time

    Number of Delegates

    Style of Conference

    Total Budget for the Event: £


    Accommodation Required? YesNo

    Dates Required (Accommodation)

    Arrival Date

    Number of Bedrooms

    Number of Nights

    Equipment and Breakout Rooms

    Equipment Required

    LCD ProjectorTechnicianTV / Video / DVDLCD ScreenEntertainment / DJVideo ConferencingPlasma ScreenLecternWIFI / Internet ConnectionScreenPA SystemPens and PaperFlipchartsLaptop

    Refreshments / Snacks Required

    Tea, Coffee and BiscuitsMineral WaterTap WaterWorking Buffet LunchHot and Cold Buffet LunchSandwich LunchSit Down Evening MealCanapesDrinks ReceptionEvening Drinks Reception

    Number of Breakout Rooms Required

    Max Capacity

    Break Out Rooms Layout

    Additional Requirements ParkingDisabled AccessNatural DaylightAir Conditioning

    Your Details

    Your Name




    Preferred Contact Method TelephoneEmail